Our Love Story

Dear Love,

I see you because I am you. Like you, I am on an eternal journey seeking balance. Like you, I use tools of the material world - waist beads, crystals, jewelry, fashion - to communicate the truths of my Highest Self. Like you, I am a living manifestation of my ancestors, who are a part of my spiritual community. Like you, I desire to own my time, live debt-free, and give abundantly; to be holistically healthy and wealthy. I see you, and because of that, I want to invite you on this journey with me.

First, I want to tell you a love story.

Summertime ‘09 in Atlanta. Thursday night was Ladies’ Night at this particular bar, which honestly felt more like a club in danger of violating several fire codes; this place was packed from wall-to-wall. There I was, straight from the office and still dressed in my work clothes. My best friend at the time by my side, who was only in town for one more day and insisted on going out. I directed us to a place called Barnacles, the closest place to unwind in proximity to my out-of-the-way job. I tried my best to catch a vibe, but I was tired of seeing the same faces I’d seen every week, and didn’t really care to be there again.

Out of nowhere, I felt something pulling my attention. Before I could give the palpable energy a name, my eyes caught up with my spirit and landed on my future husband. He was sporting a striped polo and fitted cap, one of the tallest people in the place. He appeared as such a gentleman, carefully carrying his drink so as not to spill on anyone who might’ve bumped him in the overcrowded space. I turned to let bestie know the mission - to get to know more about this handsome, hatted gentleman. But when I turned around to point him out, he was gone. 

Eventually, I felt a gentle touch on my wrist as I maneuvered through the crowd near the dance floor. Turning around, readying a rejection, my expression shifted and my body relaxed when I saw the smile of the man I would say “I love you” to within a couple of months, and marry 2 years (to the date) afterwards.

This origin story frames our beginnings, but the love story I want you to know - the one that involves you, Love - starts at a much later date.

Fast forward through time: 10 years after falling in love with Brandon, the mysterious stranger from the bar; 8 years into our marriage; 6 years after we decided to travel the world together; 5 years after Hawaii became our chosen home; 4 years after the most challenging time we’d faced in our marriage; 1 year into the Covid pandemic - the day after Christmas, 2020. That day we gifted ourselves with Made With Black Love LLC, the business that was a manifestation of what we could achieve from our trials and triumphs. It was the channel we would use to continue our evolution, while showing others the power of Love, especially Black Love.

From Made With Black Love LLC came Mawiblo, a combination of the words in our company name, a brand that encapsulates our combined creativity, and a growing community we want you to be a part of. While we started off selling hair jewelry and waist beads, we continue to expand with you in mind, Love. As our individual journeys led us to one another, our combined journey led us to you. 

In gratitude for our journey, where so much has been given to us, we want to pour from our abundance into your cup by:

  • Helping broaden your overall awareness, 
  • Aiding you in setting up healthy intentions, and 
  • Contributing to you achieving your goals by connecting to your Highest Self. 

We appreciate being a part of your journey, as you are an essential part of our own. By ourselves, we are The Reeds. But with you, we are Mawiblo.

With Love and Light, I welcome you and thank you for being here,

Danyale Reed

Mawiblo's BEad INTENTIONALly Event

A Workshop, Social Event & Pop-up Shop

Event Dates:
- August 18 @ 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- August 18 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Experience the Power of Intentionality with Mawiblo

Join us for an immersive experience at "The BEad INTENTIONALly Event," where you'll learn how to harness the power of waist beads and the language of color to reinforce your intentions and manifest your goals.

Event Highlights:
- Waist Beads Workshop: Learn about the cultural significance of waist beads and create your own personalized set to support your intentions.

- Explore the Language of Color: Explore the scientific, psychological, cultural, and spiritual significance of colors, and discover how to use color to reinforce your intentions.

- Free eBook: Each participant will receive a complimentary copy of “Mawiblo Presents: Color & Consciousness - A Guide to Practically Manifesting with Color.”

- Mawiblo Pop-Up Shop: Shop our exclusive collection of waist beads and related products.

- Covered Parking: Convenient covered parking is available on-site for all participants.

- Refreshments Included: Enjoy a variety of refreshments throughout the event, included with the price of admission.

- Coaching Sessions: Take advantage of opportunities to schedule personal coaching sessions to further your journey.

- Games, Gifts & Giveaways: Participate in fun games and contests, with exciting gifts and giveaways happening throughout the event.

- Meditation Session: Join us for a guided meditation session to center your mind and reinforce your intentions.

- Photo Wall: Capture memories and share your experience at our beautifully designed photo wall.

- Community Building: Socialize and strengthen your personal community in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn valuable techniques, and take tangible steps toward achieving your goals. Secure your spot today and BEad INTENTIONALly with Mawiblo!

For more information, contact us at events@mawiblo.com. We look forward to seeing you there!